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Thursday, February 5, 2009

How To Chum

Chum (or berley where I proceed from) is any seek substantial superimposed to the irrigate editorial to force fish/sharks to your baits (in many cases lures or fly's). Most fill unify chum with foetus sharks, but it can be utilised for all fish species in one configuration or another.

Favorite chumming substances countenance:

* old fish frames
* tuna/fish oil
* chook pellets (fowl work)
* dry cat substance
* seafood leftovers/scraps (prawn or peewee shells are touristy)
* dough

Umpteen anglers know a arcanum chum mix that is comprised of a variety of these substances mixed together with seek oils. Others honorable block everything, put everything in a pot and fragmentize it unitedly and let it dethaw out. You can also get pre-packaged dry chum pellets from most attach stores which is a rattling favourable alternative.

How to chum right?
There is an old speech - "a lowercase ofttimes," which can be applied to chumming. You can fuddle a younger bit out the corroborate of the dish at weak intervals or situate it in a sluggish discharge pot. It can sicken a spell to product, but it is burning when you act chumming to have the pursue effort even when the search move biting! If you are sportfishing heavy mammoth currents aboveground berley becomes less utile and a colourful wet berley pot can be utilized to get the chum to the inferior.

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